Worth reading

Accept that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue.
Always keep your words soft and sweet,
just in case you have to eat them.
Always read stuff that will make you
look good if you die in the middle of it.
Drive carefully. It's not only cars
that can be recalled by their maker.
Eat a live toad in the morning and
nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.
If you can't be kind,
at least have the decency to be vague.
If you lend someone $20,
and never see that person again,
it was probably worth it.
It may be that your sole purpose in life
is simply to serve as a warning to others.
Never buy a car you can't push.
Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time,
because then you don't have a leg to stand on.
Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
Just get up and dance.
The early worm gets eaten by the bird,
so sleep late.
When everything's coming your way,
you're in the wrong lane.
Birthdays are good for you;
the more you have, the longer you live.
Ever notice that the people who are late
are often much jollier than the people
who have to wait for them?
If ignorance is bliss,
why aren't more people happy?
You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
and all are different colors;
but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
A truly happy person is one
who can enjoy the scenery on a detour

WIsh You a Great Happy Holi!

Holi is an annual Hindu spring festival. It takes place over two days around late March or early April on a Purnima Full Moon as per the Hindu calendar. It is also called the festival of color. On the first day, a bonfire is lit at night to signify the burning of Holika. On the second day, known as Dhulandi, people go around until afternoon throwing colors at each other and meet and have fun. Rangapanchami occurs a few days later on a Panchami (fifth day of the full moon),marking the end of festivities involving colors.

In Hindu mythology, Hiranyakashipu was the king of demons, and he had been granted a boon by Brahma, which made it almost impossible for him to be killed. The boon was due to his long penance, after which he had demanded that he not be killed 'during day or night; inside the home or outside; not on earth or on sky, neither by a man nor an animal'. Consequently, he grew arrogant, and attacked the Heavens and Earth. He demanded that people stop worshipping gods and start praying to him. But his own son, Prahlad, was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. In spite of several threats from Hiranyakashipu, Prahlad continued offering prayers to Lord Vishnu. He was poisoned but the poison turned to nectar in his mouth. He was ordered to be trampled by elephants yet remained unharmed. He was put in a room with hungry, poisonous snakes and still survived. All of Hiranyakashipu's attempts at killing him failed. Ultimately he ordered young Prahlad to sit on a pyre on the lap of his sister Holika, who could not die by fire by virtue of a shawl which would prevent fire affecting the person wearing it. Prahlad readily accepted his father's orders, and prayed to Vishnu to keep him safe. When the fire started, everyone watched in amazement as the shawl flew from Holika, who, then was burnt to death, while Prahlad survived without a scar to show for it, after the shawl moved on to cover him. The burning of Holika is celebrated as Holi.In Vrindavan and Mathura the festival is still celebrated for 16 days (until Rangpanchmi in commemoration of the divine love of Radha for Krishna). Lord Krishna is believed to have popularized the festival by playing pranks on the gopis here. Krishna is believed to be complained about his dark color and Radha's fair color to his mother and so decided to apply color to her face. The celebrations officially usher in spring, the celebrated season of love.

There is another story about the origin of holi. The Kamadeva is God of love. Kama's body was destroyed when he shot his weapon at Shiva in order to disrupt his penance and help Parvati to marry Shiva. Shiva then opened his third eye, the gaze of which was so powerful that Kama's body was reduced to ashes. For the sake of Kama's wife Rati (passion), Shiva restored him, but only as a mental image, representing the true emotional and mental state of love rather than physical lust. The Holi bonfire is believed to be celebrated in commeration of this event.


Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby ............

Somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, "Normal," is history.
Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct ...

Somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.
Somebody said being a mother is boring ......

Somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.
Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "turn out good."
Somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee.
Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices .....
Somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.
Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother.
Somebody never helped a fourth grader with her math.
Somebody said you can't love the fifth child as much as you love the first.
Somebody doesn't have five children.
Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books .......
Somebody never had a child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears.
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery .......

Somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten. or on a plane headed for military "boot camp."
Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back ......
somebody never organized four giggling Brownies to sell cookies.
Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married ....

Somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in- law to a mother's heartstrings.
Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home ....

Somebody never had grandchildren.
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her .......
Somebody isn't a mother

Wish I never met you

Dejection and tears

This is what I got from you

Every time u said u mean what u say

I always suspected it was a lie

It wud have been far more good

Had u never been my friend

The pain is killing me each moment

I just can't take it any more.

All the love that I had for you

I always wished to shower it on you one day

But now I hope that day never comes

For I respect my feeling more than more than this rltn.

You are not worth being a friend

Nor ever u can really love anyone

The way you play with emotions of others

One day it may come back to you.

So today my so called friend

I bid you a final goodbye

Let me relieve myself from the burden of your lies

For I wud love to live my life happily hereon.

Secrets For a Flat Stomach

Developing a lean, flat stomach takes time and patience, especially when it comes to those last few kilograms in those hard to lose places. There is only one way to lose fat in the so-called ’stubborn areas,’ and that is with the correct combination strength training (with a extra focus on mid-section), cardiovascular exercise (short, hard workouts), and stable blood sugar (keeps you from adding additional fat and makes it easier for the body to use body fat for fuel).
Spot Reduction is a Myth - The first thing you need to realize is that it is impossible to ’spot reduce’ fat from one specific part of the body. Fat loss occurs systemically, meaning that you can’t control where the fat comes from. When you burn fat for energy, you will draw it from all areas of the body, and the first place you tend to put it on will be the last place it comes off.
Cardio, cardio, cardio - Doing all the abs exercises in the world will do nothing if you have a layer of fat covering it. Doing strength training, or lifting weights, would help, but not as much as aerobic exercise. If you want to add some ab exercises in after the cardio, that’s great, but be sure to work your whole torso, not just the upper abs — that includes the lower abs, lower back and the muscles that wrap around your sides.
For example, Walking, jogging, bicycling, elliptical exercise and stair climbing are all great fat burners. Most give up early in the workout. During the first 10 minutes of aerobic activity, glycogen (stored carbohydrates) is the primary fuel source. Because you don’t burn significant amounts of fat until glycogen stores are depleted, the key to maximum fat loss is to work out aerobically for 30-60 minutes continuously per session.
Diet – Its best to stay away from fried food and too many sugary desserts. Abdominal fat loss is a 50% exercise, 50% nutrition combination. Regardless of how much you workout, if the number of calories you take in is greater than the amount you burn, you’ll still put on abdominal fat.
Eat Small Meals Regularly - You should try and spread your calories out into five small meals a day instead of 2 or 3 big ones so that you don’t overeat in one feeding.
Give it Time – If you want to have a flat stomach in 3 weeks, forget it. Losing fat takes time, and it’s unhealthy to lose too much weight too fast. Gradual weight loss is healthier, and more likely to be sustained over time. Go for a lifestyle change, something you can live with for the rest of your life, or you will just yo-yo. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Feel free to share your tips and stories in the comments section below!

To Your health!!

WasanIt is true that ultimately everyone of us shall die, but till we live, we live because of our body is in existence. And if we are not well and ill, we shall live, but such a life shall be hell for us. Therefore, the concept of health must be understood and we should keep our body hale and healthy.

We must regulate our diet, our exercise, our punctuality, our care for the body and mind because if there are worries in our mind, our body shall start decaying and we shall not be in a position to live properly.

God may give us the years of our life, but it is for us to keep the body and mind healthy and we know that the people who take care of their body and mind remain active for longer years and that is the reason people in all the countries are living differently and some countries have more average limits and some countries are having lower age limits.

When our health is not well, we shall not in a position to enjoy our life and therefore, first of all, we must take car e of our health and we must start taking care of our health from the beginning.

The parents, the government and all social agencies must teach to their people the methods of keeping good health and once such things become our habits, we shall be living a long life.

A man must become doctor of himself and he knows what eating habits suit him and what is wrong for him. He knows when be falls ill and what are the causes of his maintaining good health and therefore, he must adopt right path which suits him and must live a healthy life.

Only a healthy person can lead proper life and all those who are ill do not lead proper life and often they make life of others in the family a hell. So we must take care of our health. Very True

Rain Drops are Tears From Mom!!

Rain drops are my mother tears.The rain drops is her way of saying she still here with you.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Rain drops are her tears of saying I love you dearly and I'm still caring about you.Rain drops are tears of saying I'm always with you no matter what.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Rain drops are her tears of loving and caring to let you know she still loves and cares about you.Rain drops are her tears letting you know your bad day will get good and better.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears mean so very much to me when they come down.Her tears are everything to me when they come to me.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears are saying I will never leave you ever.Her tears are is comforting when you need comfort.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears are saying I'm watching over you always.Her tears are saying I'm protecting you always.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

How you get undressed reveals your personality ........!!

1) If you throw your clothes all over the place, you are a friendly, life-of-the- party type. You are free with your thoughts and opinions, not caring much about what others think of you. Your parents might think your room looks like a cyclone hit it? But it actually represents your happy, individualistic nature!
2) If you remove each piece of clothing and put it away carefully, you are a serious person who likes her life to be very calm. You are comfortable with routine, and you believe that the best way to deal with life's problems is to prevent them in the first place. You are a perfectionist. By nature you are quite shy. You are bservant and you know more about some people than they think, just because you've watched them. You are dependable and sometimes intense. You think carefully before making decisions. You go about your tasks methodically, with concentration. You know how to pay attention.
3) If you take off the shirt, and ten minutes later get around to the pants, you are an extremely self-confident person. You are naturally bright and intellectual. You are also a deep thinker who loves to ask questions and ponder the meaning of things. You hate being rushed and you do not like to be hassled. Usually you like a lot of free time for yourself.
4) If you get out of your clothes as quickly as possible, you are concerned about others and what they expect from you, but you're worried about your own needs. You are family-oriented, and stay extremely busy. You often feel stressed, but most of those heavy expectations come from your own head! Give yourself a break; you don't have to be perfect.
5) If you take off your rings, earrings, necklace, watch, etcetera before anything else, you are a warm and sensitive person. You are considerate and thoughtful, and you give good advice to your friends. You are a natural born romantic.
6) If you don't have an undressing routine and you never do it the same way twice, you are a very curious and interesting person. You enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. You are very social.

How to Exercise Your Eyes??

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit by doing things like going to the gym, jogging, and swimming. But, did you know that you can exercise your eyes as well?
Eye exercising will keep your eyes healthy and help minimize eyestrain. Here are some easy to follow steps and tips to exercise your eyes and keep them healthy!
Palming Exercise - Sit comfortably on a chair. Rub your hands together until they feel warm. Close your eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid applying pressure on your eyeballs. Place your palms so that the nose remains uncovered, and the eyes remain behind the slight hollow of the palms. Make sure that no light rays enter the eyes, and leave no gaps between fingers or between the edge of the palms and the nose. You may still see other lingering traces of colors. Imagine deep blackness and focus on the blackness. Take deep breaths slowly and evenly, while thinking of some happy incident; or visualize a distant scene. After your eyes see nothing but blackness, remove your palms from your eyes. Repeat the palming for 3 minutes or more.
Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 7 or 8 times.
Close your eyes and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise, you could hurt your eyes.
Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, and hold them there for 1-2 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times.
Sit and relax. Roll your eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each time.
Focusing Exercises – Sit about 6 inches (150 mm) from the window. Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.
Hold a pencil in front of you at arm’s length. Move your arm slowly to your nose, and follow the pencil with your eyes until you can keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.
Look in front of you at the opposite wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head. It may seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.
Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock. Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.
Focus on a distant object (over 150 feet or 50 m away) for several seconds and slowly refocus your eyes on a nearby object (less than 30 feet or 10 m away) that’s in the same direction. Focus for several seconds and go back to the distant object. Do this 5 times.
Focus on an object in the distance (as far as possible) with a low contrasting background. Do this for a few minutes every half hour or so. This does not improve your vision, nor does any other technique. It can, however, maintain your best eyesight level during the day and prevent significant further vision deterioration.
Make up and down eye movements starting from up to to down. Do this 8 times. Then do the side to side eye movement, starting from left to right. Repeat this 8 times. Make sure not to add pressure to your eyes! It only worsen your vision!
It’s more important to do the exercises regularly than to do them for a long time. Even 30-60 seconds of eye movement every hour is very helpful. For example, when your computer takes its sweet time to do something, most people just stare at the poor thing and waste the time, but you can make a few circles with your eyes. Even the first day you do this, you should notice that, when you finish working, your eyes aren’t as tired as usual.
Taking short breaks from near work (e.g. staring at a computer monitor) to stare out to the distance also relieves some strain.
Palming is a good method to help your eyes feel better. You close your eyes and put your palms over them, this will rest your eyes.
Blink the eyes many times.
Splash your eyes with cold water repeatedly when feasible, and especially when your eyes are strained.

Love Your Mum!

1.Human Body can Bear Only Upto 45 Del(Unit) of Pain.But.. At d Time of Giving Birth, a Woman Feels Upto 57 Del of Pain.This's Similar to 20 Bones getting Fractured, at a Time.''LOVE UR MOM'' till d End of Ur Life.
2.Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is pure love.
3.The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
4.Motherhood is pricedOf God, at price no man may dareTo lessen or misunderstand.
5.Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.
6.A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where mother is."
7.A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
8.Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,But only one mother the wide world over.
9.My mother is a poemI'll never be able to write,though everything I writeis a poem to my mother.
10.One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.
11.Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.
12.Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.

10 reasons to smile

1. Smiling Makes Us AttractiveWe are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in

2. Smiling Changes Our MoodNext time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is ContagiousWhen someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves StressStress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune SystemSmiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood PressureWhen you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and SerotoninStudies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look YoungerThe muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem SuccessfulSmiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay PositiveTry this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling

Short History Of Rajbanshi!

Rajbanshis live in the Nepal-India borderlands of the districts of Jhapa and Morang of east Nepal. Anthropologists opine that they are the kiths and kin of the peripheral Koch people of the adjacent states of West Bengal and Asom (Assam) in India. Though having Mongoloid features - they consider themselves as a branch of the Kirants - their language is akin to Bengali and Assamese. They wear clothes conforming to their climate and weather. They worship Thakur Brahmani and also practice shamanism. Consumption of alcohol is a must for worshiping the gods. They play with mud and water during their major festivals. The groom's side makes monetary payment to the bride's family during their marriage. This custom also prevails among some other ethnic groups of Nepal. Their principal occupation is agriculture. Rajbanshis were the indigenous people of Jhapa and Morang before the hill migrants of Nepal overwhelmed them. Most of the Rajbanshis bury their dead but now-a-days some of them have adopted cremation formalities. According to Census 2001, their population is 95,812.

Rajbanshi is the name of an indigenous people settled in Jhapa, Morang and in some number in Sunsari district. It is conjectured that they belong to a mixed race of Austroasian or Dravidian and Mongolian. Rajbanshis and Satars have settled in the eastern Terai in the same process as Tharus and Danuwars were settled in Western Terai of Nepal. When these peoples entered Morang they entered as Rajbanshis. The name Rajbanshi was given after AD1515. The original tribal name of Rajbanshis is Koch or Koche. Worshippers of nature and followers of shamanistic religion these indigenous Koch people have changed their names to Rajbhanshi after coming into contact with Hindus (Sharma, BS2045; Upadhyaya, BS2051-052). They have a lifted bone over their throat a little higher than the average height. The structure of their eyes and forehead, etc is like those of a mix of Aryan-Mongloid, Austric, Negrito, Dravidian. A mix of the culture of worshippping nature and Hindu culture however seems to have developed among the Rajbanshis of Nepal.
Rajbanshis are found mainly in Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari. Their place of origin is the setlement area of Koch in Bihar, Bengal and Assam of India and also Bangladesh. But the largest settlement of Koches with their name Rajbanshi is in Nepal only. According to the census of 2001, their population is 95,812. The language of Rajbanshis is called Rajbanshi Bhasa. It is a mix of Bengali and Maithili. The language of Koches, who are considered the original ethnonym of Rajbanshis, has commonalities with the language of Garo (Bista, 1996).
From helping during the labour pains to the time of getting cleaned of birth pollution, the Rajbanshi women of Daiyani or Hadi group should play a special role. Likewise, the barber also has a role there. If the child is born on Sunday the birth pollution is cleaned on the same day; otherwise it is cleaned after five or seven days. In order to purify the woman in childbirth from birth pollution the barber must cut her nails and give the child a haircut (Sharma, BS2046). The christening is done by parents or Brahmin within 15 days. Popular names are given by neighbours.
In marriage, girls are searched by middlemen. The boy's side gives an amount of money named 'Chumna' to the girl's side to ask for the girl. The amount of this gift money is determined on the basis of the demand of the girl's mother. It is given as much as the girl's mother asks for. Those who cannot offer this Chumna have to either marry the girl by staying in the girl's parents' home or become Daguwa (domestic helper as well as husband) of a widow. Such Daguwas don't have any rights. Some Rajbanshis bury their dead and the barber has a role in the death rites also. The death pollution or mourning period is complete in 12 days. On the last day of mourning they eat meat and rice.
In every sacred function, Rajbanshis use banana leaves or banana trunk. Nuts are also required. They make Hirawal Jhalla (a kind of thin carpet), etc from jute. They make homes of single storey buildings by raising walls of mud up to two feet and thereafter cover them with wooden bars on all four sides. Males wear langauti and females wear petani. They do not observe pollution of menstruation. They eat plenty of fish in their food. Unlike Koches Rajbanshis never have spirits and chicken.
Koches are a tribe of matriarchal system but only rituals and traditions of it are found remaining among the Rajbanshis. Nevertheless, women are relatively free and full of self-respect. Locally prestigious people gather and decide almost every social function. Rajbanshis, basically follow shamanistic religion. They respect Kali very much. They build a hut for Kali in the village to worship khappar (the ‘skull'). Various forces of nature are worshipped in the name of Thakurs. Thunthuniya, Adit, Lakhigajadhar, Chanatkhela, Chaturmariya are some of them. Thakur is the family teacher of Rajbanshis. They celebrate new year and the puja of Ashad, etc (Rajbanshi, BS2057).
Rajbanshis' main occupation is agriculture. Until the people from mountain areas moved down to Jhapa and Morang, Rajbanshi were both landowners and farmers. But the simple-natured Rajbanshis were entrapped into indebtedness by these settlers from outside and who took away their land. There are, however, some well-to-do Rajbanshis who are called Deuniya. Rest of the Rajbanshis have reached a state where they have to sell their property for buying subsistence level food.

My heart in your hands‏

So many roads I've traveled
That brought me here to you ,A winding path that led me, To arms so warm and true

You hold me like no other

I feel so filled with peace, My heart is filled with rapture,My soul feels such release

Forever you are captured
Within this love we share,Together we know happiness,Our love beyond compare

No road I ever traveled

Has brought so much to me,Journey that will always be,Love's sweetest destiny

Cleave to me in spirit

While on the roads you roam,Your spirit lives within me,Your heart is now my home

Because Of You!!!

A Woman Knows

A woman dreams ... with her heart, dreams of passion, beauty and peace on earth.

A woman cries ... tears when she's wounded...replaced with smiles when she knows she will heal soon. A woman loves ... with her soul, deep and true ... with all that she knows..... A woman tries ... through every wrong, ... forgives past sins and finds the strength to move on. A woman gives ... everything inside her ... she does not hold back because of the fears that remind her ... she could be hurt,be taken in, ... a woman protects herself with the love that lies within..... Only a woman knows the secret truths that hide beneath the surface of her warmth and kindness. Only a woman knows the tender touch that can heal all wrongs and relieve all fears. Only a woman can give her all and have love left to give when the giving is done. Only a woman ... with a woman's heart ... can understand and accept ... the many pains she will encounter. Only a woman ... with a woman's heart ... can possibly know the strength of her heart..... A woman knows ... if all she owns was taken ... there are parts of her, the best of her ... that nothing on earth can ever take away ... the woman's heart, the woman's depths. Only a woman knows ... it's the love within that makes her who she is, and love without pain could be a love that is dead.

6 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman

Women: they’re everywhere। From our mothers, sisters, and daughters to gal pals and love interests, there’s no escaping them। You may love them and can’t live without them, but ever feel like you’re walking on eggshells around the leading ladies in your life?

The words you choose may have something to do with it.That’s right—certain terms and expressions have negative connotations that trigger emotional reactions from women for reasons men simply cannot fathom. We decided to give you guys out there a break so you don’t have to keep playing guessing games. As the saying goes, when the words are in your mouth they’re gold. We hope these insights will help you choose them more wisely!

1. “You’re Crazy!”Men have been calling women insane since ancient Greek times. In fact, hysteria was once a malady, exclusive to women, fabricated by men, and later disproved by Freud. What you may not realize is that saying things to a woman like “you’re insane,” “you must be dreaming,” or “that never happened,” even if it’s in jest, is invalidating on so many levels. Because essentially, what you’re suggesting is that she is a less intelligent, less rational, and less well-grounded individual than you, which will automatically put any woman on the defensive.

2. “Why Do You have to Be So Dramatic?”Seriously, folks, when was the last time you saw a topless grown-up woman painted purple and wearing a Viking hat while cheering for her team in the bleachers? And you call us dramatic!? We are ALL guilty of ASB (attention seeking behavior) so don’t blame women for all the histrionics when you’re the ones who wail at the first sign of a paper cut, gush over gadgets, and lose your cool every time a hat trick happens on ice.

3. “You Must be Getting Your Period.”The average menstrual cycle lasts between three to five days, so shame on any of you who pull the hormonal card the whole month through. Yes, women’s emotions may be heightened during certain key times, but there’s no such thing as being too sensitive. If you don’t believe us, just take one look at corporate America in the past two years. The recent financial crisis has proven that those allegedly female qualities—like being intuitive, insightful and compassionate—are more valuable in business than ever before.

4. “You Look Fine.”There’s nothing worse than being told you’re mediocre, and that’s what this four letter word insinuates. If you really want to compliment a woman, raise the bar a little and be specific about what it is that you love about her. “That dress makes your butt look perfect,” “that color highlights your eyes,” or “those boots show off your incredible legs.” Of course, if that isn’t the case, be honest (gently) with us and not fearful of our reaction. Good or bad, both are better to us women than being plain old average.

5. “You Analyze Everything to Death.”Yup, it’s how we deal with things, which is a heck of a lot better than living in a constant denial bubble. All kidding aside, women process things differently than men, and our way of dealing with difficult situations is through careful analysis, communication, and lots of input from those around us whose opinions we trust and respect. Go ahead, give it a try. You might just like it. Finally, unless you’re given the green light in advance, never refer to any woman in your life as “Baby” We’re not your toys!

A cynical man's view of Marriage

1. Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence. A LIFE sentence.

2. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore marriage is an institution for the blind.

3. Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her Masters Degree.

4. Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and SUFFERING.

5. Married life is full of excitement and frustration: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the NEIGHBOR listens.

6. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, and when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that instead.

7. There was this man who muttered a few words in the church and found himself married. A year later he muttered something in his sleep and found himself divorced.

8. A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes.

9. Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it.

10. Son: Is it true Dad? I heard that in ancient China, a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her. Father: That happens everywhere, son, EVERYWHERE!

11. Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

12. They say that when a man holds a woman's hand before marriage, it is love; after marriage it is self-defense.

13. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a 10-year married man looks happy, we WONDER why.

14. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing - either the car is new or the wife is.

15. Confucius says: man who sinks into woman's arm soon have arms in woman's sink.

16. When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

17. Eighty percent of married man cheat in America, the rest cheat in Europe.

18. After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin. They just can't face each other, but still they stay together.

19. Marriage is when a man and a woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

20. Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After the marriage the "Y" becomes silent.

21. I married Miss right, I just didn't know her first name was Always.

22. It's not true that married men live longer than single men, it only seems longer.

23. Losing a wife can be hard. In my case, it was almost impossible.

24. A man was complaining to a friend: I had it all - money, a beautiful house, the love of a beautiful woman, then...POW! It was all gone. What happened, asked his friend. He says: My wife found out.

25. Wife: Let's go out and have some fun tonight. Husband: OK, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway lights on.

26. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another: Aren't you wearing your ring on the wrong finger? The other replied, Yes, I am. I married the wrong man.

27. Man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished.

28. It doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss.

29. A man inserted an ad in the paper - WIFE WANTED. The next day he received a hundred letters and they all said the same thing - YOU CAN HAVE MINE.

What Candle say?

Love is like a candlelight,

Glowing in the dark

The warmness kindles From a tiny spark.

The light is soft at first,

Then, it grows bright,

For some, it grows over time,

For some, it's love at first sight.

If not taken care of,The flame will slowly die

And when it's gone, it leaves you

Sitting there, wondering, why?