To Your health!!

WasanIt is true that ultimately everyone of us shall die, but till we live, we live because of our body is in existence. And if we are not well and ill, we shall live, but such a life shall be hell for us. Therefore, the concept of health must be understood and we should keep our body hale and healthy.

We must regulate our diet, our exercise, our punctuality, our care for the body and mind because if there are worries in our mind, our body shall start decaying and we shall not be in a position to live properly.

God may give us the years of our life, but it is for us to keep the body and mind healthy and we know that the people who take care of their body and mind remain active for longer years and that is the reason people in all the countries are living differently and some countries have more average limits and some countries are having lower age limits.

When our health is not well, we shall not in a position to enjoy our life and therefore, first of all, we must take car e of our health and we must start taking care of our health from the beginning.

The parents, the government and all social agencies must teach to their people the methods of keeping good health and once such things become our habits, we shall be living a long life.

A man must become doctor of himself and he knows what eating habits suit him and what is wrong for him. He knows when be falls ill and what are the causes of his maintaining good health and therefore, he must adopt right path which suits him and must live a healthy life.

Only a healthy person can lead proper life and all those who are ill do not lead proper life and often they make life of others in the family a hell. So we must take care of our health. Very True

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