Rain Drops are Tears From Mom!!

Rain drops are my mother tears.The rain drops is her way of saying she still here with you.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Rain drops are her tears of saying I love you dearly and I'm still caring about you.Rain drops are tears of saying I'm always with you no matter what.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Rain drops are her tears of loving and caring to let you know she still loves and cares about you.Rain drops are her tears letting you know your bad day will get good and better.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears mean so very much to me when they come down.Her tears are everything to me when they come to me.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears are saying I will never leave you ever.Her tears are is comforting when you need comfort.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

Her tears are saying I'm watching over you always.Her tears are saying I'm protecting you always.Here rain drops are her tears of saying everything will be ok I love you.

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